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Original price was: ₹340.00.Current price is: ₹104.00. (Excluding 18% GST)

If you are wandering to make a machine which is used to detect heart rate and pulse rate. then this sensor Module is Compatible with you.

Heart Rate click carries Maxim’s MAX30100 integrated pulse oximetry and a heart-rate sensor. It’s an optical sensor that derives its readings from emitting two wavelengths of light from two LEDs – a red and an infrared one – then measuring the absorbance of pulsing blood through a photodetector. This particular LED color combination is optimized for reading the data through the tip of one’s finger.

The signal is processed by a low-noise analog signal processing unit and communicated to the target MCU through the mikroBUS I2C interface. Developers of end-user applications should note that the readings can be negatively impacted by excess motion and changes in temperature. Also, too much pressure can constrict capillary blood flow and therefore diminish the reliability of the data. A programmable INT pin is also available. The operates at the 3.3V power supply.

Main Applications:
  1. Medical Monitoring Devices
  2. Fitness Assistant Devices
  3. Wearable Devices


The module does not come with a berg pin connector.

To Explore more Heart Rate Sensor, Click here

Weight 0.005 kg
Dimensions 8 × 6 × 4 cm


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